Un día el manager de Jimmy Devesa iba a llevar sus vinilos a la discográfica para que grabaran su último disco, pero los perdió por el camino y Jimmy Devesa tendrá que volver a recuperarlos por las diferentes pantallas.

Versión para jugadores que no le van las emociones fuertes.


One day Jimmy Devesa's manager was going to take his vinyl records to the record company to record his latest album, but he lost them along the way and Jimmy Devesa will have to retrieve them from the different screens.

Version for players who are not into strong emotions.

Controles / Controls

Joystick o Teclado:

←: Izquierda →:  Derecha C/↑: Salto X: Salto Horizontal

Joystick or Keyboard:

←: Left →: Right  C/↑:Jump X: Jump Horizontal

A Pocket Platform Game By: Isaías Díaz Toledano

Music / Sound FX: Jimmy Devesa

Normal Version

Also available on

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